In episode 257 I chat with Stefan Batorijs. Stefan is an Integrative Psychotherapist and founder of Nature and therapy UK. He is an associate Lecturer at Plymouth University, where he teaches the role of Nature and benefits of natural immersion for mental health and recovery from trauma on the clinical psychology doctorate programme.
In this episode I chat with Stefan about why he became a therapist specifically doing ecotherapy, his relationship with nature, what is Shinrin Yoku, the benefits of being in nature and practicing Shinrin Yoku, Stefan shares some examples of working therapeutically with individuals in nature, why Shinrin Yoku and ecotherapy can be deep serious work, being prepared when going out in nature, appreciating nature close to home, start small and build up, anxiety and the woods, nature as a restorative environment, advice for people in cities, what Stefan wants you to know about nature, and much much more.
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In episode 256 I chat with Dr Sam Greenblatt. Sam specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD and other anxiety disorders. Sam works at the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy in New York.
In this episode I chat with Sam about what got him into therapy, why some other therapies may not work for OCD, fully embracing the uncertainty of Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP), the importance of not white knuckling through exposures, inhibitory learning theory to explain how ERP works, why anxiety doesn’t always need to go down to see improvements in ERP, the back door spike, treat the problem not the symptoms, being mindful of the wording we use in therapy, and much much more.
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In episode 255 I chat with Dr Patricia Zurita Ona. Patricia is director of the East Bay Behavior Therapy Center and host of the Playing It Safe podcast. She is the author of several books including “The ACT Workbook for Teens with OCD” and her new book “Living Beyond OCD Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Workbook for Adults”.
In this episode I chat with Patricia about what is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), what is Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP), facing ones fears in service of what matters to them, blending ACT and ERP, her acronym W.I.S.E. M.O.V.E.S. and how she uses it with her clients, misconceptions about ACT, a values based exposure menu, inhibitory learning theory as a way to understand how ERP works, she gives plenty of OCD theme examples, and much much more.
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In this special 5-year anniversary episode I share my thoughts on the evolution of the podcast, my own journey with the show, my wish for you the listener, future direction of the show, and of course a thanks to you for listening to the podcast.
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Thanks for listening,
In episode 254 I chat with Stephen Johns who has kindly agreed to share his story with us.
In this episode I chat with Stephen about his story: violent, sexual orientation and self harm/suicidal intrusive thoughts, getting ineffective treatment, eventually finding a therapist that helped, working hard in Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP), he goes into details into the lengths he went with his compulsions, his medications, how the suicide of one of his favourite musicians triggered a relapse for him, how perfectionism impacted his therapy, how the experience of OCD taught him to slow down in his life, words of hope and much much more.
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In episode 253 I chat with Dr Steven Phillipson. Steven is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD. Steven is the Clinical Director at the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy in New York.
In this episode I chat with Steven about when other people are the focus of one’s obsessions, he sets up the episode by explaining his view of OCD for context, Dr Phillipson gives a lot of different therapy examples across many themes, how people’s OCD themes involve others, advice and words of hope for the partners and family members who may be the recipient of one’s obsessions, some of the compulsions that may be paired with these obsessional themes, misophonia, I ask him 3 questions about himself and his therapy practice at the end and much much more. Hope it helps.
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In episode 252 I chat with Dr Michael Greenberg. Michael is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
In this episode I chat with Michael about his OCD journey, the line between obsession and compulsion, what is rumination, why rumination is a compulsion, advice on stopping rumination, the idea of a core fear in OCD, the importance of understanding the core fear, how understanding the idea that OCD is a strategy to keep you safe allows you to start to let it go, how rumination may be the core of OCD, the idea of letting go of rumination when scared, how to stop ruminating about ruminating, the issues that may get in the way of stopping rumination, why it matters how we talk about OCD, words of hope and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 251 I chat with Ashley Annestedt. Ashley is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in OCD, Anxiety, and Neurobehavioral Disorders. Ashley is licensed to provide therapy in 6 US states, and the founder of Beyond Borders CBT.
In this episode I chat with Ashley about what’s new with her, teletherapy, when teletherapy may be useful, how it can help people do exposures where they are triggered, tips for getting the most out of teletherapy, when teletherapy may not be right, using the interactive features of video therapy platforms, tips for therapists transitioning to teletherapy, what to prepare before your first teletherapy session so that is runs smoothly, words of hope, and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 250 I chat with Justin Hughes. Justin is a licensed professional counsellor in Dallas, Texas who specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
In this episode I chat with Justin about his therapy story, how faith/spirituality and therapy can work together, when OCD shakes someone’s faith, Christian scriptures around fear, worry and uncertainty, working with shame from the taboo nature of intrusive thoughts, living with uncertainty, words of hope, and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 249 I chat with Dr Ivy Ruths. Ivy is a licensed psychologist and licensed specialist in school psychology specializing in treating anxiety, depressive, and OCD-related disorders.
In this episode I chat with Ivy about why she got into working with people with OCD, living by ones values, the therapeutic relationship, Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP), the importance of doing therapy homework, living with uncertainty, motivation in therapy, words of hope and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 248 I chat with Katy Marciniak who has kindly agreed to share her story with us.
In this episode I chat with Katy about her OCD story, how seeing a school shooting on TV triggered her harm worries, googling symptoms and finding relief in what she found, going to get professional help, relationship worries that focused on her marriage, finding an OCD specialist and how that helped her, learning to face the things she was avoiding for years, working on a fear of getting pregnant, the process of recovery, how her husband helps her, working hard at self compassion, words of hope and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 247 I chat with Dr Steven Phillipson. Steven is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD. Steven is the Clinical Director at the Center for Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy in New York.
In this episode I chat with Steve about why some people get more from Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) quicker than others, what is ERP and why it works, what are some common reasons that complicate the success of ERP, he gives plenty of OCD theme examples, when the need to do therapy right can become a secondary obsession itself, the idea of irrelevance, how the therapeutic relationship can affect treatment outcomes, the importance of homework, the importance of doing response prevention when doing exposures, why it’s ok if you don’t get anxious when doing an exposure, mental compulsions, educating significant others, an ideal mindset for doing ERP, why starting too high up the ERP hierarchy may not be a good thing, why building on success in therapy is helpful, how desperation and control can interfere with therapy, and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 246 I chat with Jaclyn Steinmann who has kindly agreed to share her story with us.
In this episode I chat with Jaclyn about her OCD story, suicidal themed obsessions, reassurance seeking, harm obsessions, sexual orientation obsessions, maternal harm obsessions, the different therapies she’s tried, finding Exposure and Response Prevention therapy (ERP), doing ERP with NOCD, the experience of doing teletherapy, how helpful she found ERP, deciding to go on medication for OCD, continuing therapy with a different therapist, what else Jaclyn does to support her mental well being, reducing caffeine and sugar, an existential upbringing, words of hope, and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 245 I chat with Pete Weiss. Pete is a therapist who specialises in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as other mental health disorders. He is the co-founder of camp DCO, an annual OCD wilderness camp. Pete is a graduate of the Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI), and is currently a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles, where he is working on integrating behavior therapy and contemporary psychoanalytic theory.
In this episode we discuss why as a CBT therapist of many years he decided to train in contemporary psychoanalysis, Pete explains his progression of understanding, he uses examples to explain his thinking, how differing levels of trauma may have an input on some peoples OCD, the idea “committee of the mind”, Pete’s perspective on Sigmund Freud’s view of OCD, nature and nurture as influences on OCD, how running his OCD camp influenced him to approach OCD relationally, shame in OCD, connecting with others as a way to process shame, empathy in OCD treatment, the idea around a core fear of death and loneliness, and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 244 I chat with Meg and Matt who have kindly agreed to share their story from the point of view of husband and wife.
In this episode we discuss Meg’s OCD story, losing a friend to suicide, contamination and harm worries, having the support of her dog, also getting worries around her dog, finding out it was OCD, going for inpatient treatment, talking with others with OCD, medication, how she never believed she could get to where she has got to, Matt’s story, how Matt supports Meg, how Meg focused on therapy while also being a new parent, relationship boundaries around OCD, words of advice for partners, words of hope and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 243 I chat with Ian Johnson. Ian kindly shares his OCD story with us.
In this episode I talk with Ian about his OCD story, homosexual and relationship themed OCD, his childhood experiences, feeling suicidal, playing professional basketball while experiencing OCD, superstitious thinking, getting therapy, opening up and talking about his pain with a therapist, Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), words of wisdom for athletes with OCD, feeling connected with others with OCD, mindfulness, his book The bounce and the echo, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 242 I chat with Dr Amy Mariaskin. Amy is a licensed clinical psychologist and director at The Nashville OCD & Anxiety Treatment Center.
In this episode I chat with Amy about what OCD looks like in 4-8 year olds, compulsions and obsessions, animism - inanimate objects having personalities, how 4-8 year olds conceptualise OCD, looking out for autism spectrum disorder, how OCD can impact other areas of this age groups lives, how Amy explains OCD to these kids, how therapy for children with OCD differs from adults, talking back to OCD, making exposures fun, utilising play in therapy, calling exposures bravery challenges, homework and rewards, getting parents and carers involved, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 241 I chat with Izzy Mather who has kindly agreed to share her story with us.
In this episode I chat with Izzy about her story, intrusive thoughts around abuse, false memory OCD, getting therapy through the NHS, her compulsions, relapse, her first panic attack, getting ineffective therapy for OCD privately, starting medication, seeing a psychiatrist, getting therapy again on the NHS, changing medications with the doctor during pregnancy, understanding how her brain was working to better understand OCD, starting exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), how family members can help those with OCD, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 240 I chat with John Tessitore from the JCK foundation who has kindly agreed to share his and his foundation’s story with us.
In this episode I chat with John about his OCD story, depression, religious, sexual and suicidal themed intrusive thoughts, meeting someone else with OCD, dealing with the suicide of a close friend, going through CBT therapy, starting the JCK foundation and the work he does with the foundation, leading with love, helping de-stigmatise mental health in schools, starting the JCK clinic in Uganda, words of hope for people with OCD, and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
Get some limited time only The OCD Stories x Draw Your Monster merch: (100% profits goes to Riley's Wish Foundation)
In episode 239 I have Dr Patrick McGrath head of clinical services at NOCD, and Margaret Sisson founder of the not-for-profit Riley’s Wish, which she started to honour the memory of her son Riley, who was a passionate advocate for people with OCD and addiction.
In this episode I chat with Margaret and Patrick about who they are, why they are passionate about helping people with OCD and substance use, how common OCD and substance use is, stigma of substance use, symptoms of addiction, treating addiction along with OCD, what inpatient treatment may look like for OCD and substance use, ideas for when you are afraid to tell your therapist about substance use, harm reduction or abstinence, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics anonymous, SMART recovery, things to consider with medication, words of hope, words of hope/advice for family members of people affected by this and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 238 I have Kimberley Quinlan. Kimberley is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who treats people with OCD and related disorders, Eating Disorders and Body Focused Repetitive Disorders. She runs her own podcast called Your Anxiety Toolkit. She also runs
In this episode I chat with Kim about sex and OCD. I asked her many questions I got from some of the listeners of the show. We talk about when OCD impacts your ability to connect with your partner, sexual intrusive thoughts and anxiety’s impacts on sexual expression, why it may be difficult to enjoy sex, working through intrusive thoughts that interfere with sex, avoidance of sexual intercourse because of obsessions, cognitive distortions around sex, influence of porn, worrying about pregnancy during sex, contamination worries, sexually transmitted disease worries, when sex can be a compulsion, medications possibly affecting sex, letting go of extra expectations of what sex should be like, how to relate and create a better relationship to sexuality, how partners can help, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 237 I chat with Dr Emily O’Leary. Emily is a Clinical Psychologist and the founder of four psychology clinics, including The OCD Clinic Brisbane and Anxiety House.
In this episode we chat about her therapy story, her research, bringing humour and authenticity into the treatment of OCD, metacognitive therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP), ERP sticking points/challenges, OCD content vs OCD process, avoiding pitfalls of circular arguments, when you and your child has OCD, living with uncertainty, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 236 I chat with Tori Chavira who has kindly agreed to share her story with us.
In this episode Tori shares her OCD story, opening up about her sexuality, contamination and harm worries, obsessions about driving, avoidance of driving, resistance to therapy, getting therapy, group therapy, her first session, mindset towards recovery, and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 235 I chat with Molly and Cali Gambrel. Who have kindly agreed to share their OCD story from the point of view of mother and daughter. And to talk about their book “Practice being brave”.
In this episode I chat with Molly and Cali about Cali’s story, getting therapy, Cali’s first therapy session, Molly’s parental worries, naming her OCD, what Cali liked about therapy, what Molly learned about OCD and parenting, what Molly does that helps Cali, their book, words of hope, and much much more.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to
In episode 234 I chat with Thomas Smalley. Thomas won the IOCDF’s hero award in 2019 for his OCD advocacy. He has kindly agreed to share his OCD story.
In this episode I chat with Thomas about his OCD story, his advocacy, getting therapy, dealing with shame, tracking progress in therapy, his experience of teletherapy, how physical exercise and faith were helpful outlets for him, finding his identity after he got his time back from compulsions, dealing with stigma, words of hope and much much more. Hope it helps.
Show notes:
The podcast is sponsored by NOCD. To find out more about NOCD, their therapy plans and if they currently take your insurance head over to