Welcome to the Wednesday story edition of The OCD Stories podcast. In this storytime edition I read Morgan's OCD story.
Show notes: http://theocdstories.com/podcast/storytime-on-avoiding-writing-this-essay
This podcast is also brought to you by nOCD: http://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
In episode 60 of the podcast I interviewed Liz Atkin. Liz talks about her experience with compulsive skin picking, her 1 minute charcoal drawings and recovery tips. Hope it helps!
This podcast is also brought to you by nOCD: http://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
Show notes: http://theocdstories.com/podcast/liz-atkin-from-compulsive-skin-picking-to-compulsive-charcoal
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
In episode 59 of the podcast I interviewed therapist Rob Willson. Rob has written many books on OCD and BDD, and offers lots of great advice for both overcoming OCD and BDD. Hope it helps!
This podcast is also brought to you by nOCD: http://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
Show notes: http://theocdstories.com/podcast/rob-willson-overcoming-ocd-and-bdd
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
In episode 58 of the podcast I have compiled some of my guests recent answers to the question "What would you tell someone with OCD you meet in an elevator (30 second elevator ride)?". Hope it helps!
Show notes: http://theocdstories.com/podcast/their-one-piece-of-advice
This podcast is also brought to you by nOCD: http://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
Welcome to the Wednesday story edition of The OCD Stories podcast. In this storytime edition I read PJ's OCD story.
Show notes: http://theocdstories.com/podcast/storytime-february-fifteenth
This podcast is also brought to you by nOCD: http://go.treatmyocd.com/theocdstories
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team