In episode 6 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Jon Hershfield. Jon is the author of two books on OCD and a therapist who specialises in OCD treatment.
Show notes:
Find out more about Jon:
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To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
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In episode 5 of The OCD Stories podcast I interviewed Dr Guy Doron. Guy is one of the leading researchers in relationship OCD (rOCD), and along with his team he his uncovering important information about this subtype of OCD.
Show notes:
Guy’s OCD Story (1:00)
Finding rOCD in research (4:30)
How rOCD also covers relationship with God (6:40)
Type 1 vs Type 2 rOCD, and why someone would get one over the over (8:20)
New study: embarrassability and OCD (11:40)
Why an OCD sufferer seeks rightness in the relationship (12:50)
How rOCD can affect dating not just the relationship (15:05)
How distorted views of love affects relationships (19:50)
How someone tells if they have rOCD or a bad relationship? (24:20)
How rOCD can make relationships better (28:30)
How to explain to your partner that you are trying your best to deal with the OCD (31:30)
How ERP can be used to treat rOCD (35:20)
The one thing rOCD sufferers can do today to improve their lives (41:20)
Guy’s most astonishing finding from his research (44:45)
What guy would want written on his billboard (47:00)
Find out more about Dr Steven Hayes:
Guy’s site –
Resources mentioned:
Dr Danny Derby –
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
Get exclusive podcasts and content by becoming a member of the podcast find out more here >>
Show notes:
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) research depth (3:20)
ACT vs CBT in the research (4:40)
Steve’s OCD, anxiety and research story (6:00)
Why and how Steve came up with ACT (12:50)
Relational frame theory (RFT) (15:45)
How Eastern philosophy links with ACT (20:50)
The importance of using our minds without our minds using us (23:20)
Psychology within the media, marketing and technology (26:00)
Getting ACT into schools (28:45)
Tinnitus story to understand ACT (39:00)
Why you shouldn’t try to stop thoughts. Instead accept them (46:20)
Accept your emotions, not just your thoughts (47:20)
Can you beat OCD? (48:00)
Finding meaning in suffering (51:00)
ACT and Logotherapy (53:20)
How to accept your thoughts and defuse from them - including exercises (58:25)
Steve’s thoughts on meditation (1:12:50)
Using ACT to get rid of physical compulsions (1:20:30)
How ACT is gentler than ERP, and mental health vs illness (1:26:40)
Why you are one of the lucky ones (1:44:20)
Find out more about Dr Steven Hayes:
Steve’s site -
Get out of your mind and into your life
Resources mentioned:
Marianne Williamson quote -
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
The worry trap by Chad LeJeune
Man’s search for meaning by Viktor Frankl
Increasing Willingness to Experience Obsessions: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Michael P. Twohig, Steven C. Hayes, Akihiko Masuda
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
Get exclusive podcasts and content by becoming a member of the podcast find out more here >>
Show notes:
Kat’s OCD Story (1:50)
Mark Freeman’s air mattress effect (3:45)
Getting diagnosed (4:05)
Making intrusive thoughts worse (5:05)
Separating yourself from the thought (6:35)
Using script exposure for recovery (7:55)
Recording script exposure and playing it back (10:25)
How Pure O lead to other types of OCD? (12:00)
Struggling with Prayer (13:00)
Advice and strategies for praying without OCD (13:40)
Dealing with physical compulsions (15:00)
Using “Well, maybe it is” for acceptance (17:40)
Advice for opening up about sexual obsessions to your therapist (17:35)
How faith has helped recovery (22:35)
How the church has helped in recovery (25:10)
Opening up about OCD to inspire others (28:40)
Number 1 tip for beating OCD - “Accept your thoughts” (34:00)
Future plans (35:10)
Final words of wisdom (38:30)
What Kat would want written on a billboard for the world to see (40:55)
How to find out more about Kat (42:15)
Find out more about Kat:
YouTube channel - Shalom Aleichem
Blog - Do An Exposure
Tumblr - Do An Exposure
Twitter - @Thekatway
Snapchat - @Thekatway
Kat’s OCD Story on The OCD Stories
Resources mentioned:
Mark Freeman on ACT and OCD recovery
Brene Brown Ted Talks on Vulnerability and Shame
To your success,
Stuart and The OCD Stories team
Get exclusive podcasts and content by becoming a member of the podcast find out more here >>